Claude Monet – Founder of Impressionism
January 27, 2022
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Claude Monet – Founder of Impressionism, a Different Take – Lighting and Time Thu., Jan 27 1:30 – 3:00 pm We all know that Claude Monet, Impression, soleil levant, was the work that furnished the name for the Impressionist movement. We shall discover how two major artists, Eugene Boudin and Johan Jongkind, encouraged the obviously gifted young Monet to steadily evolve his style and to discover a new way of reflecting the light in the world around him. We will examine Monet’s fascination with lighting at different times (of day, of the year) by viewing three celebrated series of paintings, Haystacks, Rouen Cathedral and Waterloo Bridge and discuss his famous series, Waterlilies, so unique that the French government constructed a special museum, the L’orangerie, in Paris to house them. Hybrid class at TSC and on Zoom. Instructor Tom Friedman. $5 fee.
Venue: Tallahassee Senior Center - Activity Room
Venue Phone: (850) 891-4000