Welcome Tallahassee Area Lifelong Leaders (TALL)

Are you interested in becoming actively engaged in improving your community? Apply to be a Tallahassee Active LifeLong Leader, a community leadership program developed in partnership with Leadership Tallahassee for those aged 50 and above who are passionate about our community and who wish to explore civic engagement opportunities covering a wide range of current topics with local leaders. The goal of this unique program is personal growth and effecting a positive change in our community.

As a TALL participant, you will experience “snapshots” of the cultural, political, safety, legal and justice, educational, and health and human services climate of our community through site visits with community leaders and interactive activities.

“I learned how to become a citizen instead of just a taxpayer,” said Joan Tolliver, a TALL Class 8 grad. “Tallahassee may be a community you just moved to or a community you have always lived in. With TALL you learn to look at things from a different point of view. The people you meet in this program become an important part of your life. It helped me grow and create a sense of pride for Tallahassee.”

TALL Class 11 grad Shauna Smith said, “I’m from Tallahassee, and yet I learned and did so much. I am at the Tallahassee Senior Center almost every day. I got connected and got to know people better.”

Be inspired and better equipped to enhance positive change and growth in the community while continuing to enhance your own life and develop new friendships.

Requirements: Must be 50 or older, have an active email address, able to attend all 8 sessions, and possess a desire to explore new ways to become involved.

Schedule: TALL meets every Tuesday for eight weeks from January to March.  Program days are approximately 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, with the exception of Graduation Day which will take place in the evening. Please plan to be actively engaged throughout each day!

Cost: $150 This fee covers all costs for the eight-week program, which includes all supplies, lunches, and snacks for each day. (Note: Scholarships are available; please contact Lisa Baggett).

Selection: Applicants are selected based on their demonstrated interest in meeting the program’s goal of equipping active older adults with insights and knowledge to enhance positive change in the community through advocacy and volunteerism.

Program dates: January 21 – March 11, 2025

For more information, please contact:
Lisa Baggett at 850-891-4065