For information about Health, Wellness & Fitness Programs
Contact Ruth Nickens, RN, Health + Wellness Coordinator: email phone 850-891-4042


Staying socially connected is one of the most important things we can do to age successfully, however, if you feel disconnected, lonely, isolated, or depressed, you are not alone!
Please reach out to Melanie to find out how the UPSLIDE program can help.  850-891-4066

Caregiver Support Group 

Caregivers need support. This group at the Tallahassee Senior Center brings caregivers together to share knowledge, experience and fellowship. Find resources and friends who understand.
2nd & 4th Thursdays, 11 am – 12 noon  $2 suggested donation.
Contact  850-891-4066


Monthly Blood Pressure & Blood Glucose Screenings
Tuesdays: Mar. 4, Apr. 1, May 6, June 3
Offered in the Health Suite, from 10:00 am – Noon, on the 1st Tues of each month. No appointment necessary.

Monthly Monday Morning Mindful Meditations – MMMMM
Mondays: Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May 12, June 9
Join us 10-11 am on the 2nd Monday of each month, in the TSC Health Suite. No registration necessary. 
An enjoyable program designed to introduce you to the simple exercises of mindfulness meditation — a pleasant, relaxing, and informative experience.  MMMMM will help you stay centered and focused in your life.
Presented by Jeff Hanson, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Educator

Occupational Therapy
Mondays, through March 31, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
FAMU Occupational Therapy (OT) now offers an array of OT services to support the health and independence of older adults. OTs provide personalized care for common age-related conditions such as arthritis, pain, stroke recovery, fall prevention, and cognitive changes. Services include pain management strategies, exercises to improve mobility, and training in adaptive techniques to maintain daily living activities. Make appointment for supervised one-on-one sessions to address pain, balance issues, dexterity, and more! For appointment, contact  850-508-5309 

Art for the Heart: Valentine’s Day Art Therapy Party
Fri., February 14, 10:00 am – Noon

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, but we often neglect to show love to the one person we spend the most time with: ourselves. This Art Therapy workshop is focused on spending time highlighting all the things there are to love and appreciate about YOU! We will discuss what it means to practice self-compassion and why it is important while creating Valentine’s Day inspired art. No previous art experience is necessary! Snacks and drinks. Facilitated by Abigail Hines, Art Therapist. Register Here

Happy Heart Lunch n’ Learn w/TMH
Mon., February 17, 11:00 am – Noon
Peripheral Arterial Disease Shane P. McEntire, MD, Vascular Surgery
Celebrate National Heart month in February! Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare brings their expert cardiologists to present a series about keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy, and the expert care available in the community.  Lunch served. $5 donation. Register Here

Science of Happiness Series
Wed., February 26 & March 26, 10:30 am
2-part series exploring the science of happiness and various aspects of living a more positive, meaningful life. We will listen to expert podcasts and discussion will follow. Last Wednesday of February & March.

Spring Nutrition Series with Amy Mullins
February 27- Nutrition and Diabetes: Prevention & Management
March 27 – Gut Health: The Final Frontier
April 17- Food Safety/ Kitchen Safety for Klutzes
10:30 – noon
Join us for the first of a 3-part series spotlighting healthy behaviors and healthier eating. Participate in cooking demos and enjoy tasty samples. Presented by Amy Mullins, PhD, Leon County UF/IFIS Extension Center. Register Here 

Podiatry Screening and Foot Care
Thur., March 6, 8:30 am – Noon
Dr. Gary McCoy, Podiatrist, cuts toenails and treats foot problems. Medicare, Medicaid, and secondary insurance accepted, which may cover costs for certain diagnoses. $30 flat fee if not covered by insurance. Appointment required, contact: or 850-891-4047

Lunch N’ Learn: Prostate & Lung Cancer Update
Thur., March 6, 11:00 am – Noon
Presented by Dr. Yusef Syed, Radiation Oncologist. Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare brings their physicians to present a series about common medical issues and expert care available here in Tallahassee. Lunch served. $5 requested donation per event. Register Here

Self Defense and Personal Safety
Wed., March 12, 10:00 am
Avoid becoming a victim! Learn to react for have a favorable outcome if you are verbally or physically threatened. Become familiar with common-sense recommendations of the experts. Presented Tallahassee Police Department

Relaxation Yoga Workshop: Breathing & Stretching for Myofascial Relief
Thur., Mar. 13 & 20, 11:0 am – Noon

A special 2-part workshop taught by yoga instructor Fatima Zaid. This workshop will teach how gently stretch muscles to relieve tension in the body’s connective tissue, and to use breath to promote total body relaxation and improve mobility. $15 donation for series, includes new yoga mat. Register  Register Here

Hand Bike Ride on St. Marks Trail
Thursday, March 27, 1:30 pm
Try something new and unique. Experience an easy and educational guided handcycle ride on Florida’s historic first rails to trail. This great upper body workout is perfect for folks with or without physical limitations. Loaner handcycles provided by Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology. Meet at St. Marks Trailhead 4778 Woodville Highway. Fee $5. Limited space available.   REGISTER HERE

FAMU Occupational Therapy & Pharmacy Expo
Mon. Mar. 31, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
FAMU students present an interactive and informative event, focusing on optimizing pain-free and enhanced quality of life. Drop in for Health Screenings, Education, Brain Games, Massage, Resources, Interactive Experiences, Medication Review, snacks and more! Bring your medications! Meet the FAMU Pharmacists! Hot dog lunch served.

Intro to QiGong: Special 2-week Series
Thurs, April 10 & 17, 10:30 – Noon
Qi gong is a moving meditation that will help you experience the pleasure of breath energy in the body. Exercises synchronizing breath/body movement help blood pressure, balance, mood, immune support, energy, and cancer as well as other issues.  Taught by David Jordan, 30+ years teaching meditative movement. This class is for those who did not participate in the winter series. $10 requested donation. Register Here

Lunch with the MD: Parkinson’s Update
Mon., Apr. 14, 11:00 am– noon

Join us during Parkinson’s Awareness Month to learn about Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders – current treatment options and patient-focused support in the community. Presented by Dr. Enrique Urrea-Mendoza, neurologist, Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare. $5 requested donation for lunch. Register Here

Food & Kitchen Safety for Klutzes
Thur., April 17, 10:30 am
Join us for the last in 3-part series spotlighting science, safety and healthier eating. Participate in cooking demos and enjoy tasty samples. Presented by Amy Mullins, Leon County UF/IFIS Extension Center.

Matter of Balance (MOB): A Falls Prevention Program
Thur., Apr. 24 – June 12, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

MOB is an 8 -week award-winning program proven to help prevent falls, manage falls, and improve balance and activity levels. No cost to attend. Taught by Ferdouse Sultana, Advantage Aging Solutions. Register Here